be afraid of the cold…

34 points to anyone who can finish the title to this blog. it’s also a testament to how freaking cold it is here. apparently it only gets worse. so far we haven’t had any snow. it’s a possibility, though i’m hoping that we don’t see any white flurries. frankly, i’ve never been a fan. people will say “if it’s going to be cold, at least it should snow” somehow that makes the coldness worth it. i’m not a follower of such logic. i don’t like the cold. i don’t like snow. having two things i don’t like come together doesn’t make it better for me. i know snow makes other people happy so i guess i’ll be able to stomach it if it does come.

a new month has come and gone and we’ve officially entered december. this means two things: 1) it’s almost christmas. 2) my mother comes in less than 3 weeks. i’m excited for her visit but also trying to prepare and make sure that I can show her around and make sure she sees as much as possible. i’m glad she will be here over christmas it will make it a lot easier.

I started this post last week but have left it to rot here as a draft because i have not had the energy to blog. I do want to make sure i update regularly, just didn’t quite find the time to do it this week. I should be in bed, because I have to be up early tomorrow, but I can’t sleep.

Not sure I have much exciting news to share. This week was fairly low key. Besides staying in my flat and going to sleep early (which is always a good thing) I can’t really remember if I did much. These next few weeks will be very busy with Christmas activities and the like, so it’s nice that i had some down time. tomorrow i’ll be heading to the negev with some coworkers to see some of the partners we have there. it should be fun. but i need to be up early, so i probably should try to get some sleep. sorry for the incredibly boring update

until next time,


~ by rumblings of a northerner in the south on December 11, 2009.

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